Monday 23 July 2018

Origin of Prague

How to get to Prague?

The history of Prague originates in ancient times, in the 7th century, and is associated with the name of the Slavic princess Libushe, a beautiful and wise woman with the gift of foresight. Libushe and her husband, Prince Přemysl, peacefully ruled the Czech lands from the Visegrád Hill. According to legend, once on Либуше the vision has descended. She stood on top of the cliff, looking at the Vltava and the wooded slopes of the river, and proclaimed: "I behold the great hail whose glory will reach heaven." She ordered her people to go and build a castle in the place where a certain person was building a threshold (in Czech práh) of a new house. "And since even a noble nobleman must bow low before the threshold, call this castle Prague". Her orders were executed, and after two hundred years the city of Prague became the seat of the Přemyslid dynasty.

Tuesday 17 July 2018


The Swedish newspaper Expressen named 11 reasons why one should love Finland. The article particularly notes that Finns around the world are praised, in particular, for design, education, nature and labor, the news service "Yle" writes.

1. Happiness

Expressen writes that the Finns are one of the happiest nations in the world. At the same time, the newspaper refers to the OECD survey of 2010, in which Finland took the second place after Denmark in this indicator.

2. The World's Capital of Design

Finland - one of the three countries that received the title of "the capital of design." Helsinki was the "capital of design" in 2012. The newspaper lists the famous Finnish design brands: Marimekko, Fiskars, Aarikka, Arabia, Nokia, etc.

3. The world's best school

The Finnish school system is considered exemplary and is often cited as an example for other countries. The newspaper recalls the leading positions of Finland in the studies of Pisa.

4. Record on saunas

In Finland, there are 3.3 million saunas for 5.3 million people. Almost every apartment and every house has a sauna. The newspaper writes that the world is only beginning to understand what the Finns have understood for a long time, namely: the sauna is useful for both the body and the soul.

5. The best country for moms

According to a study by the organization Pelastakaa lapset, Finland is the best country for moms. In addition, the World Economic Forum (WEF) called Finland the best country after Denmark in terms of equality.

6. The most honest people

In the test conducted by the magazine Reader's Digest, the Finns were the most honest people in the world. From the "lost" 12 wallets the Finns returned 11!

7. The leader in mobile games

The most popular mobile games are developed in Finland. As an example, Expressen brings the game Angry Birds.

8. The best workforce in the world

According to Expressen, also companies like Finland. At the same time, the newspaper refers to the WEF study, according to which in Finland - the best workers after Switzerland and Singapore.

9. Northern lights and nature

The Swedish newspaper calls Finland "a paradise for nature lovers". Seasons and nature are very diverse. In the "country of thousands of lakes" there are about 200 thousand lakes and 180 thousand islands. The Planetware portal called Finland the best place to admire the Northern Lights, and according to scientific research, Finland has the cleanest air in Europe.

10. The best tourist destination

Finland and the city of Rovaniemi are recommended by Lonely Planet as winter recreation sites. Expressen recalls that Joulupukki (Santa Claus) resides in Rovaniemi. Portal Travel and Leisure considers Helsinki one of the best tourist sites in the world, and The New York Times praises Finland in numerous articles, writes the Swedish newspaper.

11. The best country in the world

Finland is named the best country in the world according to the magazine Newsweek. The study took into account education, health, quality of life, the competitiveness of the economy and the political climate. Good ecology and infrastructure were also mentioned.

Czech Switzerland

How to get to Prague?

One of the most beautiful places in the world is the Czech Switzerland National Park, located in the north of the Czech Republic. This is a real paradise for nature lovers and hikers. In the vast territory of the park you can find many beautiful places: small rivers, high steep cliffs, ancient houses, lookout towers of the medieval era, magnificent castles, picturesque waterfalls and dense forests. Here the Czech nature appears in all its grandeur.

The first visit to Czech Switzerland gives the impression that this is the only place not affected by civilization. However, in every local village you will find everything you need for tourists: a small hotel or hotel, a cafe and an information center.

In the zoo near Prague illegally killed tigers

How to get to Prague?

The illegal trade in tigers is suspected of Vietnamese residing in the Czech Republic.

The customs administration and police on Monday conducted operations in several places because of the illegal destruction of tigers. The detainees have not yet been informed.

According to the portal, tigers were illegally killed in the zoo "Bash" (Bašť) near Prague. In the complex could be dozens of tigers. A source close to the investigation said that detentions took place in the Prague market SAPA, as people from the Vietnamese community were also involved in illegal trade. As is known, tiger products are in demand in Vietnamese medicine.