Saturday 31 August 2019

Fear Festival iik! Week, October 7-22!

Lynnanmäki amusement park goosebumps from the program of the worst festival of the year of the year, and hiccups begin, iik! And not in vain, because this time the organizers promise to surpass themselves and make the carnival worse than before.

The main emphasis is traditionally placed on various thematic objects with actors. Animators in the "afterlife" make-up will be waiting for you in the dark corners of the terrible labyrinths. Most of these attractions have an age recommendation of 13 years.

The scenery, the monsters wandering along the alleys of the park, the menu of restaurants and cafes, designed in the style of the festival - in short, if you like to tickle your nerves and have fun, then you should definitely visit here. For kids this year will have its own program.

Below we have collected some of the most striking examples of thematic objects of the Festival of fear iik! Week!

👹 Zombie tunnel - get out of the radioactive bunker

You are locked in a nuclear shelter. To get out, you must go through the tunnel, teeming with zombies. Your only "weapon" is a green lantern that exudes radioactive particles and scares away the living dead. Age recommendation: 13 years old

👹 Creepy lab

In the scariest theme park of the park, guests will be waiting for victims of failed experiments. Do you risk going through the corridors of a nightmare laboratory with hellish creatures locked in it? Age restriction: 13 years.

👹 Nightmare circus

Do you have the guts to enter the Nightmare Circus, captured by bloodthirsty clowns? Age restriction: 13 years.

👹 Scary Lane

Dead souls were locked in our world and are now doomed to wander around the Terrible Lane. And recently, a gigantic ripper has settled here ...

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Helsinki Design Week

In September, from 5.9. on 15.9., Design Week will be held in Helsinki. The largest event dedicated to design will bring together experts from various countries and present this area of ​​art in all its diversity.

Exhibitions in the areas of Erottai and Otaniemi

This year, one of the topics of the annual design festival will be the atmosphere of learning. The heart of Design Week will be located in a palace that has been empty for several years, built in the style of a new renaissance in the very center of Helsinki. The building, located at: Erottaja 2, will open to the public for the first time. Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the exhibitions, taste eco-friendly wine or enjoy a cup of coffee while enjoying the architectural ensemble of the open building.

The room will feature new participants in the Design Diplomacy card game, numerous works and installations, for example, the experimental room of Sotamaa and Meiju Niskanen Studios, ceramic products by Leena Kouhia or the work of graphic artist Lotta Nieminen.

The second exhibition center of Design Week will be the Otaniemi district located near the metro. Designs for a Cooler Planet will showcase a green lifestyle concept. Eleven Aalto University exhibits will fill campus galleries. The range of the presented works will cover everything: from household utensils of the future - to urban areas without harmful carbon emissions.

The Helsinki Design Week program will include exhibitions by Eric Bruun, Ilmari Tapiovaara and Minna Parikka. In addition, the Young Designer of the Year and Illustrator of the Year will be selected as part of the event, as well as exhibitions of works nominated for these honorary titles and an exhibition of finalists of the Helsinki Design Awards.

A lot of impressions

The festival will present works for both visual and sound perception. At the festival week there will be a concert excursion into the world of big band style music. Classical works, acquaintance with the structure of songs and instruments, the composition of the orchestra, terminology - all this awaits those who wish to plunge into the world of music and expand their horizons.

As part of the Design Week, the famous Finnish guru of wild spices and seasonings, distinguished chef Sami Tallberg will prepare dinner, on the menu of which he included four dishes. As conceived by the master, the components of the dishes should arouse desire and adjust the sense of taste to the desired wave. Address: Erottaja 2 (cost 30-59 euros)
The exhibition Sense of wood will tell about the presence of this material in our life and thoughts, sensations associated with wood. Visitors will be able to touch the exhibits and even change them. Address: Bulevardi 15, (admission free)
You can think and talk about the impact of urban planning on mental or emotional well-being and health, as well as the impact of the living environment on the psyche, emotions and well-being, by participating in a discussion panel organized by the Kanttia2 architectural bureau and Raven & Wood Agency design company. Address: Hämeentie 11, 6. krs (free admission, registration required)

The program of the Week also included popular and well-established events, including such as: Open Studios, Design Delivered, PechaKucha, Design Diplomacy and others.

Organized fair of design works is a great opportunity to purchase unique things made by hands of designers from different countries. The fair will be held from September 7 to 8 at the address: Tallberginkatu 1 (from 11.00 to 18.00).
The Design Week program, which includes at least one hundred and fifty different events, is published on the Internet at:

Passport HDW

If you want to become an active participant in the week, it makes sense to purchase an HDW passport, which gives you the right to discounts and privileges when buying tickets for paid events at the Erottaja 2 Palace, which will be held as part of Design Week. Registered users will receive a bamboo bracelet and a selection of individually selected, the most interesting events. Registration is conducted on the Internet at Helsinki Design Week.

The passport entitles you to receive a 50% discount on the entrance ticket to the main exhibition of the Helsinki Design Week, the bracelet owners will be able to get to more than 200 Open Call events that will be held as part of the HDW program.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Among immigrants in Helsinki come from the USSR

Last year, the largest increase in the number of residents of Helsinki of Asian origin.

Every sixth resident of Helsinki is of foreign origin. At the beginning of this year, 103,000 people with immigrant backgrounds lived in the capital.

This is one sixth of the total population of the city. Of these, 18 percent were born in Finland, that is, they belong to the second generation of foreigners.

Most of the people living in Helsinki are natives of the former Soviet Union - eighteen thousand people, as well as immigrants from Estonia, Somalia, Iraq and China. Last year, the largest increase in the number of residents of Helsinki of Asian origin.

Friday 23 August 2019

Would you like to work 4 days a week for 6 hours a day?

Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Sanna Marin proposed reducing the number of working days to 4, and the number of working hours to 6 per day. According to Marin, people deserve more time for their personal lives.

The Minister from the Finnish Social Democrats expressed this idea during a panel discussion at the 120th anniversary of the SDP party. The opposition immediately responded to the statement with harsh criticism.

According to Arto Satonen from the bourgeois party Kokoomus, the SDPs have lost touch with reality. At the same time, Satonen referred to a study according to which Finns already work an hour less than the European average.

Well, what do you think? Wanted to work 4 hours a week for 6 hours a day?

New city bikes reach speeds of up to 45 km/h!


New city electric bikes from the Swiss company Bond Mobility, which appeared recently on the streets of Helsinki, will not make you sweat on the hills. Bicycles equipped with electric motors reach speeds of up to 45 km / h and have a range of 100 km. 🚴‍♀

And it is precisely these characteristics that immediately came under the magnifying glass of the capital's law enforcement officers. Police recall that Bond Mobility bikes are mopeds and must not be used on sidewalks and pedestrian areas. 🚓

In addition, the operation of a vehicle of this class implies the presence of a helmet and a driver’s license (or rights to a moped), as well as compliance with the rules regarding permissible doses of alcohol in the blood. Recall that for driving a vehicle in Finland it is 0.5 ppm.

The most unusual trees in Helsinki: Royal Oak

In the park of the royal oak (Fin. Kuninkaantammenpuisto) grows a beautiful reserved oak, in whose honor the park was named. Legend has it that the tree was planted by King Gustav III of Sweden at the end of the 18th century. We do not know why he planted it in this place, but the tree is very beautiful. Oak has seen a lot in its lifetime, and it still stands proudly on the road.

Drones flock to the Helsinki Olympics

September 2 - 5 in the metropolitan region of Finland for the first time held a competition on the use of drones. It is expected that about 50 teams from around the world will participate in Drone Olympics 2019.

The event is organized by the Ultrahack Hackathon. “The world market for unmanned aerial vehicles, estimated at about 4 billion euros, will grow at least ten times in the next five years. Drones are revolutionizing trade, logistics, agriculture and forestry, as well as research and security, ”said Mikko Järvilehto, CEO of Ultrahack. In 2017, Ultrahack hosted the world's first themed Aurora Arctic Drone Hackathon hackathon.

According to Järvilehto, the “drone competition” will be an important tool for developing new solutions, and an open Finnish innovation ecosystem will provide an excellent basis for this.

Teams will compete in various tasks using drones. For example, they have to assess the state of the roof of buildings; make a map of the location of containers with chemicals and determine the markings on them; transmit information about a traffic accident to the police. There will also be competitions in developing software for drones.

The Helsinki stage of the Helsinki Challenge will take place on September 4 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Harakka Island, located in close proximity to the city center. It will be possible to observe the flights both from the mainland and from the observation deck built on the island.

On September 5, from 10:00 to 14:00, the closing ceremony of the event and the award ceremony will be held at the Oodi Central Library. After that, the Mini Drone Expo & Recordings exhibition will open in Töölönlahti Park.