Tuesday 18 December 2018


How to get to Prague?

The Czech Christmas Mass, popularly known as "Rybovka", is a purely Czech phenomenon. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the Christmas holidays, and the performance of Rybovka gathers many listeners and performers in churches and concert halls these days.

Written "Fish" more than two centuries ago, a simple Czech teacher Jakub Jan Ryba. The name of Pisces is associated with the town of Rozhmital-Pod-Treshmushin in Central Bohemia, where he lived from 1788 until the tragic finale of his life. There in 1796 his “Czech Christmas Mass” was born. It is not by chance called the Czech language - after all, it is one of the first liturgical works created in the Czech language. As the composer himself emphasized, "psalms in Latin do not benefit the faith, neither those who sing, nor those who listen."

The difficult financial situation of a large family, illness and depression led to a sad end - in 1815. Yakub Ryba committed suicide.

The name Yakub Yana Pisces remains in the history of Czech and world music, and his legacy is not limited to Mass - he composed sonatas, quartets, symphonies, wrote compositions on music theory, lyrics, libretto, translated from Latin and Greek

Tuesday 20 November 2018

How to get to Prague?

In the Czech Switzerland introduced a ban on moving outside the "tourist trails" The ban will be valid until the end of November. The reason was the drought and the threat of forest fires. People usually have to walk along selected tourist routes only in the first zone of the National Park. At present, due to drought, this restriction covers almost the entire territory of Czech Switzerland. At the request of the park administration, authorities have banned entry to forests outside the marked paths. According to experts, the situation will not improve in the near future. The forests in Czech Switzerland are now dry as ever. According to hydrometeorologists, soil saturation with water is less than 10%. “Despite the cold snap, droughts are still going on in the forests, and even if there is some precipitation, last year’s dry foliage can easily catch fire,” explained the reasons why the administration of the National Park asked for a ban, its representative Tomash Salov. The request for the park has already been approved by the administrations of Decin and Rumburka, banning entry into the forest on their territories until the end of November. In the Czech Switzerland introduced a ban on moving outside the "tourist trails" Over the past year, this is the fourth long-term constraint. A catastrophic shortage of precipitation has been observed since the spring and, according to meteorologists, it does not seem that the situation will change in the near future. "To improve the situation, 50-100 or more millimeters of precipitation is necessary, prolonged rains so that water can deeply infiltrate the earth," say the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. Windy weather only worsens the situation, further drying the soil. In addition, the temperature of the air this week can rise again to 20 ° C. Most of the fires of this year struck the Czech Switzerland as it is not paradoxical in the summer - only 3 of 9 fires occurred during the record hot summer months. The biggest fire happened two weeks ago, but the firemen managed to eliminate it outside the national park. Burning start between Sněžník and Ostrov. More than 120 firefighters were involved in extinguishing the fire, the Czechs were even helped by their colleagues from Saxony. To fight the fire involved aviation. Put out the fire turned out after three days. The biggest problem for firefighters, besides difficult terrain, was the rapid spread of fire. This is what most worries the administration of the National Park.

Thursday 15 November 2018

In the Czech Republic counted tourists in the last quarter

How to get to Prague?

Travel from Russia to the Czech Republic decreased by 5%.

In the Czech Republic summed up the incoming tourist traffic for the third quarter. A total of 7.4 million tourists stayed in Czech hotels, boarding houses, and campgrounds, which is 5.7% more than in the third quarter of last year. The number of overnight stays also increased by 4.3% and amounted to 20.6 million. Thus, even in the main season, the Czech Republic shows a tendency to increase tourist traffic, - reported in the Czech Statistical Office.

It has become more both foreign and its tourists. 7.5% more Czechs in the third quarter of this year traveled around their country compared to the same period last year. The increase in foreign tourists was 3.6%.

Among foreigners, by tradition, the most guests come to the Czech Republic from Germany - 589 thousand people. The Germans made up one fifth of the total number of guests of Czech hotels (by 2.6% more than in the third quarter of last year).

In second place were the tourists from Slovakia - 224 thousand people (growth - 5.4%). There were 214 thousand tourists from China in the last quarter (a quarter more than a year earlier). There are also more guests from Poland, the USA and the UK. Not significantly reduced the flow of tourists from South Korea. 5% fewer tourists arrived from Russia than in the third quarter of 2017.

In all regions of the Czech Republic, the number of overnight stays increased, with the exception of Prague. In the capital, they decreased by 1.1%.

Amazing Museum in the old sewer

How to get to Prague?

       Creating a sewer was the greatest creation of man. Sounds, probably, a little pathetic for some kind of hole for draining waste products?

       In fact, the presence of sewage and its quality is a very clear marker of the development of society.

       It is difficult to imagine what a city is without a sewer system. Such stories are often embodied in film and literature: a stinky city, toilet balconies and the plague.

       In medieval cities, for example, sewage was only conditional. Rather, it was just a small segment of the plums, which removed sewage from the house for a few meters. Further, this beauty stank and decomposed on the street among the people.

       The Czech Republic understands this issue, because in Prague there is the coolest museum of sewage ... First things first.

       The first mention of sewage systems in the Czech Republic dates back to 1310, when the first full-fledged drain appeared on Nerudova Street. However, most so-called. sewers ended in the nearest pit.

       In the 17th century, the Clementium sewage system appears. And at the end of the XVIII century, work began on the improvement of systems. It was then issued a decree on the construction of a full-fledged urban sewage system.

       At that time, 20 km of sewer network was designed.

       At the beginning of the 19th century, the construction of 35 exhaust canals began, along which waste from residential buildings was diverted directly into the local Vltava River.

       And so, at the end of the 19th century a real engineering revolution took place. The construction of the sewage starts Sir Lindley. His name is forever imprinted in the history of Prague, Dusseldorf, Pest, Warsaw, Lodz, Samara, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baku and other cities.

       Lindley proposed two revolutionary, but for us obvious solutions. In a city with a population of over a million people, it is impossible to discharge sewage into rivers; the sewage system should have its own sewage treatment plant.

       Past projects did not take into account the constant population growth, but Lindley made calculations taking into account the constant population growth.

       In the event of flooding and heavy rainfall, a decision was made to build a two-tier sewer system.

       The lowest point of the upper system was 2.5m above the Vltava, the same point was the highest at the lower system.

       Thus, all sewage was diverted to the sewage treatment plant, and during floods the power of the lower system was not enough and the wastewater along with the water flowed into the upper system, which drained the water directly into the Vltava without any purification.

      By the construction of sewage and wastewater treatment plants approached with great responsibility, picking up each brick.

       The fruits of this approach are visible even now, because the sewage system built in the 19th century functions to this day, without needing to be repaired.

       Only the plant of sewage treatment plants is now converted into a museum, but even there everything is working, and pumps of the beginning of the 20th century can still perform all the functions.

And if you want to go there, then here are the contacts:

Address: Papírenská 199/6, Praha 6

Telephone: +420 608 330 024

Tourist in Prague chooses...

How to get to Prague?

       Almost every third tourist in Prague chooses to stay in private accommodation, for example, through Airbnb, and not in a hotel. Some hotels for this reason have already had to close.

       In 2012, 845 hotels operated in Prague, last year their number was reduced to 787. The Czech Statistical Office prepared this information.

       In different categories of hotels, however, the statistics differ. Thus, the five-star hotels in the Czech capital has increased by 4 (total - 46). The situation is similar with 4-star hotels. But hotels with the number of stars of three or less are now less.

       The Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic commented on the statistics as follows: the situation will change soon, because this year several new projects were implemented, and several renovations were carried out. Next year it is also planned to implement several projects.

       The scale of renting private housing for tourism has been facilitated in recent years by platforms such as Airbnb. How many apartments in Prague are rented through such services is still unknown. Now 18-20 thousand apartments are available in the capital, which is almost half of the total capacity of the hotel fund.

Friday 9 November 2018

The history of traditional Czech dumplings goes back several centuries.

How to get to Prague?

       The very name of the dish, according to one version, is derived from the German "knodel" ("dumpling"). This word began to be used rather late - only in the nineteenth century.

       Although the analogue of modern dumplings appeared long before that. As early as the Middle Ages, the Czech poor prepared “bunches” - balls of flour, which were boiled in boiling water.

       The dish was considered to belong to the lowest strata of the population who, of all the products, could only afford flour. In the seventeenth century, the cobblers finally hit the tables of noble and wealthy Czechs.

       They were served as a side dish to all sorts of dishes from vegetables or meat. Subsequently, a variety of different recipes. Especially popular are the options of cottage cheese and fruits, which were served as desserts.

       Today, dumplings remain one of the most popular dishes. Czechs claim to be ready to eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The reason for this extraordinary success probably lies in the fact that this dish is very easy and quick to prepare.
It is not only very satisfying and tasty, but also affordable. Dumplings are made from different products: from dough, from different types of meat, from fresh or boiled potatoes, from cottage cheese. There are very quick recipes that can be whipped up (for example, simple flour dumplings or dumplings from raw potatoes).

       There are also more difficult recipes in cooking, for example, variants with a filling. Despite all the differences, the principle of cooking dumplings in most cases is the same: first, prepare a special dough (from flour, potatoes, cottage cheese, etc.), from which small balls (with or without filling) are formed. After that, they are boiled in water until tender.

       Serve dumplings made with a variety of products - with sauces, broths, vegetable side dishes, fried onions, sour cream, fresh herbs. They are also often put in meat goulash or soup.

       Sweet dumplings are most often sprinkled with chopped nuts, poured over with jam or fruit syrups. Famous Czech beer is traditionally served with meat or potato dumplings.

       Did you manage to try Czech dumplings? What are your impressions?

In the Czech Switzerland introduced a ban on moving outside the "tourist trails"

       The ban will be valid until the end of November. The reason was the drought and the threat of forest fires.

       People usually have to walk along selected tourist routes only in the first zone of the National Park. At present, due to drought, this restriction covers almost the entire territory of Czech Switzerland. At the request of the park administration, authorities have banned entry to forests outside the marked paths. According to experts, the situation will not improve in the near future.

       The forests in Czech Switzerland are now dry as ever. According to hydrometeorologists, soil saturation with water is less than 10%. “Despite the cold snap, droughts are still going on in the forests, and even if there is some precipitation, last year’s dry foliage can easily catch fire,” explained the reasons why the administration of the National Park asked for a ban, its representative Tomash Salov.

       The request for the park has already been approved by the administrations of Decin and Rumburka, banning entry into the forest on their territories until the end of November.

       In the Czech Switzerland introduced a ban on moving outside the "tourist trails"
Over the past year, this is the fourth long-term constraint. A catastrophic shortage of precipitation has been observed since the spring and, according to meteorologists, it does not seem that the situation will change in the near future.
       "To improve the situation, 50-100 or more millimeters of precipitation is necessary, prolonged rains so that water can deeply infiltrate the earth," say the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. Windy weather only worsens the situation, further drying the soil. In addition, the temperature of the air this week can rise again to 20 ° C.

       Most of the fires of this year struck the Czech Switzerland as it is not paradoxical in the summer - only 3 of 9 fires occurred during the record hot summer months.

       The biggest fire happened two weeks ago, but the firemen managed to eliminate it outside the national park. Burning start between Sněžník and Ostrov. More than 120 firefighters were involved in extinguishing the fire, the Czechs were even helped by their colleagues from Saxony. To fight the fire involved aviation. Put out the fire turned out after three days.

       The biggest problem for firefighters, besides difficult terrain, was the rapid spread of fire. This is what most worries the administration of the National Park.

Tuesday 28 August 2018


How to get to Prague?

In the northern part of the Old Town Square is a monument to Jan Hus, at the foot of which rest after long walks tourists, using the lower ledges as a bench. A large monument symbolizes national unity.

Jan Hus, philosopher, preacher and reformer who fought for the freedom of the Czechs, was recognized as a heretic in 1414, and a year later was sentenced by the Catholic Church to be executed through burning.

The consequences of this brutal execution were provoked by the Hussite wars, in which on one side were the Hussites - the followers of Jan Hus, and the second - the Roman Catholic Church. The war was remembered in history as the first war in Europe, where hand-held firearms were used and where the Hussite infantry inflicted significant damage on stronger opponents.

Five centuries after the execution of Jan Hus, in 1915 a bronze monument was erected in the center of the Old Town, according to the sketches of the architect and artist Ladislav Shaloon in the Art Nouveau style. In the center of the elliptical pedestal, Ian Hus is depicted, the rest of the sculptural group is divided into two "camps" - Hussites and emigrants who left Bohemia after the war on the White Mountain of 1620, just as there is a young mother - a symbol of the people's revival.

Looking closely you can find and carved inscriptions, one of them - a quotation by J. Hus and says this: "Everyone wants love and truth." Also here are excerpts from the chant "Who are the soldiers of God" and carved in 1926 an inscription in honor of the independence of Czechoslovakia - "We believe that the government will turn to you again, the Czech people."

After the burning of Huss, the Hussite wars continued for another 20 years, but they did not lead to drastic changes. The only thing the Hussites have achieved is the right to Communion. Later, a community of followers of Jan Hus will be formed - a community of Moravian brothers who will contribute to the history of the church.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Kovozoo - a unique zoo in the Czech Republic

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In Novy Meste near Uherske-Gradishte, there is a unique zoo with a concept that you will not find in any other European city. "Do not feed the animals!" - threateningly warns the sign at the entrance to Kovozoo ... a fun open-air museum where all the "animals" are exhibits from old mechanisms and metal! In total there are more than 170 exhibits, which were created by artists from all over the Czech Republic.

Experts still note that food will soon rise in price again.

How to get to Prague?

The growth of consumer prices slowed in July and amounted to 2.3%. Compared with last July, housing and fuel prices in the Czech Republic went up most, clothes and telecommunications became cheaper. Such data was provided by the Statistical Committee of the Czech Republic. In the future, analysts predict a 2.2% rise in inflation.

Fuel prices, compared with July of 2017, rose by 12.6%. The reason for this was the increase in world oil prices as a result of the limitation of oil production by OPEC and Russia. If last year Brent crude oil was worth 48.48 dollars per barrel, in July this year it was sold for 71-80 dollars.

Prices for rented accommodation increased by 3.2%. This was due to the rise in price of utilities, especially electricity: prices for it increased by more than 5%. In addition, because of the large demand for housing prices have risen and the real estate itself.

Due to the increased demand for tourist services, tours abroad went up: the price increase was 12.6%. According to experts, the increased demand is the result of increased income of the Czechs: this year they are ready to spend more on their vacation.

At the same time in the Czech Republic, prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages decreased slightly, as well as for communication services. In the latter case, the reason could be the settlement of the cost of calls within the EU.

Pavel Sobishek, chief economist at Unicredit Bank, noted that the inter-annual price cuts for foodstuffs occurred for the first time since October 2016. Vegetables (12%) fell, vegetables (4.7%), cheeses and cottage cheese (1.7%), sugar (9.8%). At the same time, oil prices rose: it went up by 4.2%.

Pavel Sobishek also drew attention to the fact that in the next months the situation should change. Due to the long heat, the harvest will be less and the prices for food will grow again.

Source: ihned.cz

Vegan Burger Fest

How to get to Prague?

And on the street of vegans this year there will be a holiday: in Prague for the first time there will be a gastronomic festival Vegan Burger Fest.
Visitors are expected to taste a variety of vegan burgers, as well as other dishes and delicacies. Organizers thereby want to clearly demonstrate how varied and tasty can be vegan cuisine.

Monday 23 July 2018

Origin of Prague

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The history of Prague originates in ancient times, in the 7th century, and is associated with the name of the Slavic princess Libushe, a beautiful and wise woman with the gift of foresight. Libushe and her husband, Prince Přemysl, peacefully ruled the Czech lands from the Visegrád Hill. According to legend, once on Либуше the vision has descended. She stood on top of the cliff, looking at the Vltava and the wooded slopes of the river, and proclaimed: "I behold the great hail whose glory will reach heaven." She ordered her people to go and build a castle in the place where a certain person was building a threshold (in Czech práh) of a new house. "And since even a noble nobleman must bow low before the threshold, call this castle Prague". Her orders were executed, and after two hundred years the city of Prague became the seat of the Přemyslid dynasty.

Tuesday 17 July 2018


The Swedish newspaper Expressen named 11 reasons why one should love Finland. The article particularly notes that Finns around the world are praised, in particular, for design, education, nature and labor, the news service "Yle" writes.

1. Happiness

Expressen writes that the Finns are one of the happiest nations in the world. At the same time, the newspaper refers to the OECD survey of 2010, in which Finland took the second place after Denmark in this indicator.

2. The World's Capital of Design

Finland - one of the three countries that received the title of "the capital of design." Helsinki was the "capital of design" in 2012. The newspaper lists the famous Finnish design brands: Marimekko, Fiskars, Aarikka, Arabia, Nokia, etc.

3. The world's best school

The Finnish school system is considered exemplary and is often cited as an example for other countries. The newspaper recalls the leading positions of Finland in the studies of Pisa.

4. Record on saunas

In Finland, there are 3.3 million saunas for 5.3 million people. Almost every apartment and every house has a sauna. The newspaper writes that the world is only beginning to understand what the Finns have understood for a long time, namely: the sauna is useful for both the body and the soul.

5. The best country for moms

According to a study by the organization Pelastakaa lapset, Finland is the best country for moms. In addition, the World Economic Forum (WEF) called Finland the best country after Denmark in terms of equality.

6. The most honest people

In the test conducted by the magazine Reader's Digest, the Finns were the most honest people in the world. From the "lost" 12 wallets the Finns returned 11!

7. The leader in mobile games

The most popular mobile games are developed in Finland. As an example, Expressen brings the game Angry Birds.

8. The best workforce in the world

According to Expressen, also companies like Finland. At the same time, the newspaper refers to the WEF study, according to which in Finland - the best workers after Switzerland and Singapore.

9. Northern lights and nature

The Swedish newspaper calls Finland "a paradise for nature lovers". Seasons and nature are very diverse. In the "country of thousands of lakes" there are about 200 thousand lakes and 180 thousand islands. The Planetware portal called Finland the best place to admire the Northern Lights, and according to scientific research, Finland has the cleanest air in Europe.

10. The best tourist destination

Finland and the city of Rovaniemi are recommended by Lonely Planet as winter recreation sites. Expressen recalls that Joulupukki (Santa Claus) resides in Rovaniemi. Portal Travel and Leisure considers Helsinki one of the best tourist sites in the world, and The New York Times praises Finland in numerous articles, writes the Swedish newspaper.

11. The best country in the world

Finland is named the best country in the world according to the magazine Newsweek. The study took into account education, health, quality of life, the competitiveness of the economy and the political climate. Good ecology and infrastructure were also mentioned.

Czech Switzerland

How to get to Prague?

One of the most beautiful places in the world is the Czech Switzerland National Park, located in the north of the Czech Republic. This is a real paradise for nature lovers and hikers. In the vast territory of the park you can find many beautiful places: small rivers, high steep cliffs, ancient houses, lookout towers of the medieval era, magnificent castles, picturesque waterfalls and dense forests. Here the Czech nature appears in all its grandeur.

The first visit to Czech Switzerland gives the impression that this is the only place not affected by civilization. However, in every local village you will find everything you need for tourists: a small hotel or hotel, a cafe and an information center.

In the zoo near Prague illegally killed tigers

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The illegal trade in tigers is suspected of Vietnamese residing in the Czech Republic.

The customs administration and police on Monday conducted operations in several places because of the illegal destruction of tigers. The detainees have not yet been informed.

According to the portal lidovky.cz, tigers were illegally killed in the zoo "Bash" (Bašť) near Prague. In the complex could be dozens of tigers. A source close to the investigation said that detentions took place in the Prague market SAPA, as people from the Vietnamese community were also involved in illegal trade. As is known, tiger products are in demand in Vietnamese medicine.

Friday 29 June 2018

Romantic castles

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One of the most romantic castles in the Czech Republic is the beautiful Chateau Castle. It is the ancestral home of the famous feudal lords of Lichtenburg. The castle is located only 25 kilometers from the popular tourist town of Kutná Hora.

At the end of the 13th century there was a defensive fortress on the site of the Castle of Zhleb, which in 1427 was swept away by the troops of the Hussites. After a quarter of a century the local feudal lords began to restore the fortress. Each new era introduced something new in the appearance of the castle: first the rise of the Renaissance was added, and in the 18th century the architects Shkvor and Shmorants turned the Goblets into an amazing mold of Neo-Gothic.