Thursday 15 November 2018

Tourist in Prague chooses...

How to get to Prague?

       Almost every third tourist in Prague chooses to stay in private accommodation, for example, through Airbnb, and not in a hotel. Some hotels for this reason have already had to close.

       In 2012, 845 hotels operated in Prague, last year their number was reduced to 787. The Czech Statistical Office prepared this information.

       In different categories of hotels, however, the statistics differ. Thus, the five-star hotels in the Czech capital has increased by 4 (total - 46). The situation is similar with 4-star hotels. But hotels with the number of stars of three or less are now less.

       The Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic commented on the statistics as follows: the situation will change soon, because this year several new projects were implemented, and several renovations were carried out. Next year it is also planned to implement several projects.

       The scale of renting private housing for tourism has been facilitated in recent years by platforms such as Airbnb. How many apartments in Prague are rented through such services is still unknown. Now 18-20 thousand apartments are available in the capital, which is almost half of the total capacity of the hotel fund.

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