Friday 25 May 2018

House "At the minute"

How to get to Prague?

This house is the most typical example of the petty-bourgeois Renaissance architecture of the Czech Republic. Its core belongs to the beginning of the 15th century and is late Gothic, and in the 16th century a reconstruction took place in the then fashionable Renaissance style. At the same time added a superstructure of the fourth floor with an expressive lunette cornice, but the new floor was small, so it did not break the structure of the house.

Surely the first time hearing about the House "At the minute", you drew attention to its unusual name. Initially, the house was given another name - "The White Lion." Mention of this you can see in the house sign, which has survived until today. The mark is not removed in memory of the first owner of the house - M. Bartle - and his legendary pharmacy, which existed for about 138 years.

The current name - "The minute" appeared later. It comes from the "minuciozni", which means "fractional" or "shallow". This house got its name because they began selling tobacco "nadrobno", as well as other small goods.

At the turn of the century, there was a threat of demolition of this house together with the neighboring one to expand the connection between the Old Town and the Lesser Places, which was opposed by the Commission for the Protection of Monuments. In 1905, on the wall of a neighboring house, a fragment of the painting in the sgraffito technique was discovered, after which it was decided to keep both houses.

Unexpected surprise was that they found under the layer of plaster: what can be seen today was closed since the reconstruction in the Baroque era. The rich Renaissance painting on the walls of the house "At the minute" was found only with the reconstruction of the building in 1919. During the restoration work it was discovered that the figurative and ornamental sgraffito arisen in two stages covers almost the entire surface of the facade.

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