Saturday 20 April 2019

Loan or rent

In Finland, as in other economically prosperous countries, living in a rented apartment is quite common. It is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon by the desire of people to save on housing costs. The fact is that the monthly rent of an apartment, if we compare the average indicators, often costs a bit more expensive than living in an apartment bought on credit.

This is confirmed by the results of a comparative analysis of the cost of two types of housing costs, conducted in Finland in March of this year.

For the standard was taken one bedroom apartment of 50 square meters. meters Compared the average price of renting an apartment in a particular city and the amount of housing costs to pay for the same housing purchased on credit in the same locality. Under the sum of costs in the second case, implied monthly deductions for the return of the loan plus utilities.

The study was large-scale and covered all regions of the country.

The results showed that in Finland there are many places in which the rent for housing is higher than the payment for an apartment purchased on credit.

Thus, in the city of Kayaani, the average person who buys a two-room 50-meter apartment on credit stays on hand every month, on average, 136 euros more than the tenant of the same apartment.

Even in many large and fast-growing centers, such as Tampere, Turku and Oulu, living in an apartment bought on credit is less expensive than renting an apartment. In Tampere, the monthly gain of the owner of a 50-meter apartment bought on credit is 12.46 euros, in Turku - 56.67 euros, in Oulu - 60.54 euros.

In addition, one more important circumstance must be taken into account: a living space purchased on credit is a form of accumulating funds. Money returned to the bank increases the size of the property of the payer. At the same time, the money given for the rental of housing becomes irretrievably lost for him.

And yet, as statistics show, the proportion of Finnish residents seeking to acquire their own housing tends to decrease.

Specialists of one of the leading banks in the country conducted a survey of public opinion in order to find out the reasons for the growing popularity of rental housing. 1500 Finnish citizens aged from 18 to 79 years answered the questions of researchers.

Approximately 45 percent of respondents said that they do not own housing. This category of respondents was asked: why did they not buy an apartment?

Many, or 22 percent, referred to the fact that they lacked the means to pay the loan.

The above reason seems convincing only in the case of expensive apartments, because housing prices have been growing more slowly in recent years than wages. Only in the capital and in some areas of other fast-growing cities, the growth rate of housing costs outpaces the growth of income.

Approximately the same number of respondents, or rather 21 percent, reported that they did not want to get into debt.

Fear of debt is more pronounced among young people, because their income is usually more modest than the income of middle-aged people.

According to economists of the bank, such caution is not entirely justified. Duty to duty is different, they argue. The loan spent on the purchase of housing is a “positive” debt, as it allows you to increase the size of the property and in strategic terms leads to an increase in economic independence.

13 percent of respondents called the reason for the delay in the issue of buying a home because they did not have the guarantees required by the bank to get a loan. The same number of respondents declared no interest in owning their own housing.

Seven percent said they were afraid of being tied to a particular place of residence and would like to retain their freedom to change their area of ​​residence.

Only a small part of the survey participants, 3 percent, explained their position in the matter of purchasing their own homes, with the fear that their current level of income would decrease. 2 percent said that owning an apartment brings too many extra worries.

Ten percent of respondents simply did not manage to give the reason for which they do not want to buy an apartment.

According to the results of the survey, it can be concluded that economic reasons are not the main obstacle to acquiring your own home.

As has already been said, this kind of explanation is, on the whole, unconvincing. They can be taken into account when it comes to Helsinki, where apartments are much more expensive than in other places. And although the rent for metropolitan housing is also high, it is, nevertheless, significantly lower than the payment for a loan to buy an apartment.

Thus, in the center of Helsinki, a two-room apartment with an area of ​​50 m2 costs, on average, 350 thousand euros. In this case, the total amount of monthly expenses for the payment of a loan and utilities may be close to 2,000 euros per month. In the neighborhoods of the city such costs will be approximately 1,000 euros.

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