Friday 19 July 2019

At the bottom of the sea

At the bottom of the sea off the coast of Finland lies more than a thousand wrecks.

In the holds of some ships there is oil and other substances harmful to the environment. The Environment Center has launched a project to determine the risks associated with wrecks.

With the sunken ships lying in the Baltic Sea there are big environmental risks. Most of these 1,300 ships lying off the coast of Finland, at one time transported oil, which may at any time seep into the water.

In addition to oil, inside the ships there may be other substances harmful to the environment, including mercury.

“Our experts are currently investigating the risks associated with shipwrecks, as well as with explosives and ammunition submerged in the sea,” said Jorma Ryutkönen, Development Director of the Finnish Environment Center.

The project for the study of wrecks is carried out under the program for the protection of water bodies, which is conducted by the Ministry of the Environment. The aim of the program is to improve the quality of water in the lakes and the Baltic Sea.

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