Sunday 13 October 2019

Foreign Minister Haavisto: Nobel Peace

Foreign Minister Haavisto: Nobel Peace Prize was given to those who deserve it

According to Pekka Haavisto, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has great merit in promoting peace in his region.

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (Greens) believes it is the right choice of the Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

According to Haavisto, Ahmed is in the midst of a transformation in his country, and during his reign, relations with Eritrea became better.

Ahmed also made a significant contribution to the peace process in Sudan, said the head of the Finnish foreign ministry.

Haavisto, who has visited the region dozens of times, is personally acquainted with Ahmed.

“I met him many times.” He is a dynamic leader of the young generation of African leaders, who has done a lot for the region.

“Africa is changing thanks to his work,” said Haavisto.

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