Thursday 2 January 2020

In Lapland, it is snowy in winter

Skiers in the capital region opened the season on tracks with artificial snow

In Lapland, it is snowy in winter, and in the south of the country there is no snow at all.

In Lapland, a record amount of snow was recorded, but in the metropolitan region there is no snow at all. However, this does not prevent the most active citizens from enjoying skiing.

There are ski slopes with artificial snowmaking in the Oitta region of Espoo and in Hakunila in Vantaa. At the weekend, a five-hundred-meter track also opened in the metropolitan area of ​​Paloheynia.

- I love skiing. If there is even a very short track, I can’t ignore it, ”Annie Grönrus, a resident of Helsinki, laughs.

- The skis glided well. I rode in a classic style, the snow did not stick and did not crumble, - in turn, comments Nicholas Vardi.

Mirkos Kienanen, who is responsible for the state of the track, notes that according to forecasts, the coming weeks will be especially warm, which will affect artificial skiing.

- Water pipes were installed under the highway, a little higher electricity. Water flows all the time, and if there is a slight frost, then new snow can be made quite easily. He usually holds well. However, rain and wind at freezing temperatures are already difficult conditions, ”explains Kienanen from the Helsinki City Affairs Office.

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