Saturday 25 May 2019


The new star of the online broadcasts of Norppalive has become a seal called Moona

While impatient viewers, watching live broadcasts from the rookery sites of the Saimaa seals, were awaiting the star of last year's ethers, the fat man Pullervo, Staron Mawan unexpectedly took his place.

The audience of the live broadcast from the rookery of the Saimaa seal was already waiting for it - unlike last year, this May, seals in front of the camera, except for glimpses. But soon everything changed. Yesterday, the sun-heated stone, where a camera was installed that watches the life of a nerp online, was chosen by a new star. Previously, this seal was not seen on the stone, but experts recognized the chipped specimen as Moon — a young female.

“Mona is a young, graceful seal, with good parameters,” smiles Juha Taskinen, an animal photographer and renowned activist who has been involved in the protection of seals for many years. - This is Pullervo's girlfriend, they belong to the same "clan".

Nerps form small groups that share rookeries.

“Some aged seals resemble old people who never want to part with their rocking chair.” Young seals, especially males, sometimes swim over long distances from their native places. Moona also managed to travel, but now, obviously, she was drawn home, says Taskinen.

The choice of location for the online camera is not an accident

If you install the camera on a randomly selected stone, the chances of seeing the seal will be small. However, if you pre-work and study the seals habits, then soon you can expect guests.

- For a couple of decades, I somehow had a snack on a stone, where the camera is now installed. I heard the seals grumbling and snorting, obviously talking to each other. I took my first pictures just then. These seals were Siiri and Pullervo, ”says Taskinen.

These same seals can be seen in the lake to this day.

“When the Wildlife Fund was looking for a suitable place for the camera, I immediately remembered this stone,” Taskinen recalls.

Mona also had time to get into the lens in 2013.

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