Wednesday 1 May 2019

Spring Finnish months

March - maaliskuu. Comes from the word maa - land. In March, she begins to peep out from under the snow, hence the name. "Maaliskuu maata näyttää," says a Finnish saying. At the end of March, despite the cold weather, migratory birds return to Finland, the first are swans.

April - huhtikuu. Huhta - undercut, fire. In April, began to cut down the forest under arable land. April 1 Aprillipaivä - April Fool's Day.

May - toukokuu. Touko - and now called spring field work. In May begins spring sowing. May 1, Vappu, holiday in Finland, May Day. On the second Sunday of May, Äitienpäivä Mother's Day is celebrated. This is an official holiday, Finnish stores are closed on this day.

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