Saturday 15 June 2019

About ancient remains

Scientists talked about ancient remains at the bottom of a lake in Finland

The burial of a person in water is a unique phenomenon for Finland.

Scientists have found a large burial at the bottom of a lake in the Isokure region in western Finland, the Daily Mail reports.

There are no modern settlements nearby. The fact that most of the remains belong to children and women led scientists to the idea that individuals belonged to a special category of society. Later they found out that those buried in the water could be the ancestors of the modern Saami, the Finno-Ugric people, from whom the name of Lapland originated.

“Water burial” is apparently a unique phenomenon for the territory of Finland. Scientists suggest that the remains were dumped into the water where in the V-IX centuries; they are well preserved to this day.

The burials in the region are the largest in the country - scientists managed to extract 75 kg of bones belonging to about 98 individuals. In addition, archaeologists have found jewelry.

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