Saturday 15 June 2019

Nature is getting richer

The Interstate Organization for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (IPBES) has published another report on the state of nature in terms of the conservation of species.

In Finland, a similar description on a national scale was submitted by the Center for the Environment (Ympäristokeskus).

The data presented in both international and national reports suggest that Finnish nature is becoming more diverse and less polluted, and that development in this direction is fast and steady.

In the 1950s and 1960s, many species of animals began to disappear over large areas in different parts of Finland. This includes moose, reindeer, otters, beavers, whooper swans, sea eagles, gray geese, hares, golden eagles, seals and other fauna. But in the past few years, all these species have returned to their previous habitats.

Moreover, many representatives of the animal world, such as the raccoon dog, the muskrat, the long-mouther seal, the heron, the American mink, the mute swan, the European rabbit, the European roe deer, the cormorant, the wild boar, which until now were not typically Finnish species, have now moved to Finnish lands for permanent residence.

The main reason for such positive biological changes, according to experts, was the reduction of pollution of lakes, forests and the atmosphere. In the air becomes less nitrogen, sulfur and other impurities. The amount of harmful precipitation also decreases.

The return to the Finnish forests of such a sensitive indicator of natural purity, like the usneya lichen, is a sure sign of ecological improvement.

Systematic deforestation has also contributed to improving the state of Finnish nature and increasing its diversity.

Without dilution of forests, forest health deteriorates, it stops in its development, it becomes monotonous.

In a rather distant past, frequent fires contributed to the dilution of forest spaces. Now fires have become rare. They can not be allowed, as they represent a danger to human health and life. The role of the healing factor for Finnish forests began to play thoughtful industrial logging.

Other reasons for the growing diversity of Finnish nature include the following:

the development of environmental legislation to reduce the use of problematic fertilizers and sulfur-containing technical fuels,
creation of nature parks and other environmentally protected areas
improvement of roads and roadside areas, which led to the creation of meadow areas along the roads.
One more factor is mentioned which, quite unexpectedly, is included in the list of reasons for the improvement of natural diversity. This refers to global warming.

The effect of surprise, in this case, arises because global warming, according to supporters of this theory, is a danger to the health of nature and for its existence in general.

The media, many politicians and various public organizations warn us about this. Organized around the world companies, marches and rallies with demands to take urgent and immediate measures to save nature from overheating are dedicated to this.

Against this alarming background, the report on the rapid improvement of the natural conditions in Finland sounds like a clear discord. It turns out that over the course of several years, at a time when global warming is leading the planet to a catastrophe, nature in Finland is flourishing, cleansing and becoming richer.

How can such a contradiction be explained?

There are only two possible explanations:

The first. Warming does not occur. Certain concrete facts speak in favor of this. For example, in Finland in 2016, that is, in the midst of the fight against warming, the amount of energy used for heating buildings was significantly higher than the average for the previous ten years.

The second. If warming takes place, then nature does not fade away as a result.

Evidence can be found in the history of Earth's climate. We give only one of them.

In scientific works, as well as in publicly available encyclopedic dictionaries, including Wikipedia, there is a description of the so-called Roman Climate Optimum.

It is about the length of time, lasting more than six centuries: 250 BC. er - 400 AD er It was significant in that at that time a mild, warm climate was established in Europe.

In the period of optimum, the climate of Europe warmed by 1-2 ° C compared with the preceding period. The temperature in some places corresponded to the modern, and in many areas was higher than the present.

Warming has not brought negative consequences either for society, or for the economy, or for nature. On the contrary, the climate optimum contributed to the prosperity of states and empires.

Blooming and nature. At that time, new plant varieties were cultivated in many territories. So, in the territory of modern Germany began to grow grapes.In any case, the improvement of the ecological situation in Finland, and, probably, not only in it, does not correspond to the assertions that the changing climate leads to a catastrophe. Moreover, the situation in Finland is only one of many such inconsistencies.

The weather itself often contradicts the theory of warming. Do not confirm it and the conclusions of many prominent scientists, as well as observations of NASA, which, in the media are not publicized.

Such misunderstandings of theory with reality arise, apparently, from the fact that in the current rush around climate change, there is much more politics than objective facts and scientific justifications.

As for the real reasons for improving the environmental situation in Finland, we can say that, most likely, the main one was the improvement of the overall situation in the country, which in recent years has moved from an economic downturn to a rapid rise.

When order is established in the economy and in other areas of society, then forests and lakes also improve their condition, because they are part of the economy and a component of the national economy.

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