Saturday 29 June 2019

Robot buses will appear on the streets of Helsinki

The transnational project Sohjoa Baltic organized a route in Helsinki for its autonomous electric buses as part of testing, which will last until September.

As part of a pilot project in Helsinki, autonomous bus-robots will carry passengers free of charge. The idea of ​​Sohjoa Baltic is to collect information about smart mobile solutions in technical, legal and organizational terms.

“By taking part in the testing of unmanned bus robots, we received first-hand information on technological developments of automobiles and established contacts with independent participants in the automotive industry,” said Essi Kyllönen, a public transport planning specialist in the organization of the Helsinki Region Transport region. .

Automated electric buses could support the public transport system in the future, especially in terms of transport logistics. The pilot project will help build routes for the first commercial operators such as holo, a Danish company responsible for operating buses in Helsinki.

“Our first experience in Finland is excellent, and cooperation with the Finnish authorities is proceeding very smoothly,” commented Peter Sorgenfrei, CEO of holo.

This project is the result of the joint efforts of several participants from eight countries in the Baltic Sea region. Finnish project partners were the Forum Virium Helsinki, the Metropolis University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Transport Safety Agency. Similar tests are currently being conducted in Estonia and Norway.

Metropolia also serves an additional route for robot buses in the metropolitan area of ​​Kalasatama under the name Helsinki RobobusLine.

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