Sunday 22 September 2019

Wine as an alternative

For hundreds of years, beer has remained the national drink of the Finns. However, recently, natural wine has also become in demand.

Studies show that among the population of Finland, the popularity of natural red wine is growing. Its one-time consumption, as a rule, is limited to one or two glasses.

Red wine in Finland, as in other countries of Northern Europe, is by far the most common of all natural wines. But this does not mean at all that sparkling wine and white wine are not in demand, their consumption has also increased.

The popularity of red wine and natural wine in the whole country has reached an international level. There are as many wine lovers in Finland today as in Sweden.

However, unlike many other European countries, Finland still does not have a pronounced separation of tastes by type of red wine. If somewhere in France or even in the same Sweden people immediately call their favorite brand of wine, then the Finns are limited to indicating the color: just red wine or just white wine.

There are several explanations for this. Basically, reference is made to features of a Finnish character.

The Finnish consumer, according to wine experts from Helsinki, is positively curious and straightforward. Seeking to get acquainted with the world of wines, he rushes into its variety without unnecessary delays and weighing. And for example, for many Swedes, the image of the drink, brand, etc.

In addition, in Finland, many wine consumers are quite pragmatic. The simplicity of choosing a drink is very important for them. The shape of the packaging of the wine, which should be appropriate for the situation, also matters.

As for the dose of wine consumption at a time, then in all the Nordic countries it is about the same and is, like in Finland, one or two glasses. According to more precise data, 45 percent of Finnish wine lovers drink two glasses of wine at a time. A quarter of respondents drink one glass each.
According to the conclusion of Finnish wine experts, the main mistakes made by Finns as consumers of wine are as follows.

Cheap wine is selected.

The problem of the Finnish wine buyer is that you don’t want to spend a lot of money on wine. The pain point is 10 euros. Almost 90 percent of ordinary Finnish consumers buy wine at a price of 7.5 - 9.5 euros. Although, as experts acknowledge, adding a few euros, you could buy a truly high quality wine.

The second mistake is that the same wine is bought from time to time and from year to year.

Here again, the Finns' inherent dislike for a long reflection on the choice of wine is affected. Most often, something that is already familiar is chosen in order to eliminate the danger of error and not to buy wine that is not to your liking. That is, when the Finnish buyer finds what he likes, he already tries not to change his choice.

The following common mistake is related to the order in which wine is consumed.

In most cases, wine is drunk immediately after the bottle is uncorked, when it has not yet had time to interact with the air. Because of this, the taste of the wine does not appear completely.

Wine should be poured into a decanter, or at least left open for a while, so that it can “breathe”, or rather, so that sulfur sulfites can get out of the wine.

As one of the Finnish experts put it, it’s very difficult for the Finns to open the wine a couple of hours before consumption, as if we were afraid that it would evaporate from the bottle.

From myself, I would like to add one more explanation of the mistakes made by the Finns in matters of selection and consumption of natural wines. I believe that these mistakes come not only from national character traits, but from the traditions that have developed in the country regarding alcohol consumption.

For hundreds of years, beer has remained the national drink of the Finns. In terms of its consumption, Finland is in ninth place in the world. About 85 liters of beer per person are drunk per year in the country. As for natural wine, it remains for the Finns a drink of the "second plan", the consumption of which is very insignificant in comparison with many other countries.
As a result, most people do not have the corresponding taste habits, the language is not prepared for evaluating the shades of the drink, and the desire to enjoy wine is not as strong as that of representatives of those peoples who are more familiar with it.

It is natural and understandable that under such conditions people buy wine cheaper. Buying expensive wine with an inability to appreciate its merits will be a waste of money. This can also explain the attachment to a particular type of wine. A person who does not have experience in the consumption of wines is justifiably afraid of changing the familiar variety to another, because for him it will be a blind choice.
In this regard, we can cite the example of the USSR and Russia, where vodka remains the unconditional national drink. Dry wine in Russia has always been drunk extremely rarely, and when choosing, they paid attention only to the price. But the choice of vodka was taken more seriously, just knowing which is better and which is worse. In many ways, the situation has remained the same to this day. Everything takes time.

If the popularity of red wine in Finland will grow, then the taste will naturally develop. And for this you do not need to immediately buy fine wines. The taste will develop on simple varieties of wine, there will be sensitivity to the shortcomings of the drink and its advantages. And then, of course, there will be a craving for the better.

In conclusion, I would like to touch on a topic related to wine and alcohol consumption in general. As a rule, alcohol and its use are associated with negativity, and this is justified in many cases. However, in fairness, one cannot ignore the positive that an alcoholic drink can give.

A study conducted at the University of Michigan, USA, led to the conclusion that alcohol helps ... strengthen marital relations. It was found that couples who drink alcohol together are happier than those who do not have a tendency to such a common pastime.
It also turned out that the closer the tastes of the parties in terms of drinking, the higher the positive effect.

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